Notes about this site


In this section you can find important information concerning the content and the use of my site.

First of all, in this site there are NOT copyright-protected resources (e.g., software, songs, videos, and so on), nor cracks or illegal software. In the Music section, you can find clips of some songs, which are good only for web streaming and which are in conformity with the laws about copyright.

However, everybody knows that in the Internet one can find (using programs like Kazaa, WinMX, Shareaza, LimeWire) each of the above-mentioned resources (mp3, divx, software, cracks, and so on). Nevertheless, I don't incite you to use this kind of software...

Secondarily, in consideration of the originality of the most of the contents of my site (e.g., medicine notes written by me, photos, jokes, curiosities, Javascript and DHTML scripts, and so on), I had to protect them in various ways, after that by chance I noticed that in the Web suspicious clones of these resources were coming up. For this reason, excluding some pages (e.g., those containig photos), the right clic of the mouse is disallowed, in order to prevent an unauthorized use of these resources. Moreover, the scripts are encrypted, so - even if one saves the page - he can't custom them to use them for his purposes.

For further explanations, write me using the feedback form o via email at