
All my bookmarks


In my family...

Dr. Marco Azzalini (Software & Networking Development Consultant, Sun Certified Programmer (Java 2 Platform))

Prof. Adelchi Azzalini (Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padua)



Nabil Amirouchene (my study mate and fond of cosmology)

Sergio Benigni (star of the Sant'Antonio Marghera 5-players soccer, interested in music and much more)

Alessandro Marcocci (my study mate, has many and various interests: technology, photography, computer science, and so on)



Anatomicamente (resources, links, notes, information about Medicine, focused on class B of the fourth year of Medicine of the University of Padua; in collaboration with Haizi)

Chat with a robot! (Artificial Intelligence) (chat in the biggest European online students community)