The author

Memento audere semper.



Well, if the site is called, guess which is my name...

My name is Lorenzo Azzalini (!!!); I was born on the 25th of September 1981 in Venice (Italy).

I study Medicine at the Università degli Studi di Padova. At the moment I attend the fourth year.

In the past I attended the Liceo-Ginnasio Marco Foscarini in Venice.


My interests are various:

  •  medicine

  •  every kind of techological device (computer, digitali and traditional cameras, mobile phones, and so on)

  •  music (especially rock, pop e and the "great" singers/bands)

  •  web design

  •  cars (in particular the Three Germans...)

  •  history (especially 20th century's history)

  •  some more things that I don't remember at the moment


I like:

  •  blu (especially navy blu)

  •  aphorisms (first of all that at the beginning of the page, which often took me to the top... even beyond my expectations)

  •  Mercedes

  •  beautiful girls

  •  photography

  •  Medicine

  •  chocolate

  •  flying and similar (parachutism, bunjee jumping, ecc.)

  •  sunsets and summer nights (there's a lot of sunset pictures in the Photos section)

  •  speaking with intelligent people (it seems to be expected, but today it's not so easy to meet these rare specimens...)

  •  sea

  •  travelling (go to the Photos section)

  •  that someone - even for only a few instants - is reading what I think and do


If you want, you can communicate with me to tell me critics, suggestions, comments and questions, using the form in the Feedback section.

Otherwise, if you want to talk with me about other things (e.g., about a common interest, about an exchange of links proposa, and so on), write to:

Iceman 6357139